WP Rocket Premium V3.4.1.1 WordPress Cache Plugin Free Download [BEST]
WP Rocket Premium V3.4.1.1 WordPress Cache Plugin Free Download >>>>> https://urlin.us/2t2kaY
The free Cloudflare plan allows you to enable a page cache by entering the Cache Everything page rule, greatly improving response times. However for dynamic websites such as WordPress, it is not possible to use this page rule without running into problems as it is not possible to exclude critical web pages from the cache, the sessions for logged in users, ajax requests and much more. Thanks to this plugin all of this becomes possible.
Through minification, the backend of your site will be optimized to be a lean mean machine. This technique works by reducing the file size of HTML, JavaScript and CSS files, and works to remove unnecessary characters, like spaces, line breaks, and comments. The result is a reduced amount of data transfer required so that files run quicker and your web pages load faster.There are a number of plugins built to minify code. Autoptimize is one of the top rated free plugins for this task. You might also try the premium plugin WP Rocket which helps with site optimization, including minification. CSS Compressor is another good option that simplifies CSS code. 2b1af7f3a8