[UPDATED] Islam K Bunyadi Aqaid In Urdu Pdf Download |BEST|
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This book is an effort to revise the concept of faith and Islam taught in Islamic schools of thought. In the modern world, the definition of faith has changed and varied and the value of faith is being questioned. Our knowledge on the subject has also changed. The teachings on faith and religion given in traditional books are also different and sometimes different from each other. The aim of this book is to establish the meaning of faith and the other concepts of Islam in a clear and concise manner so that everyone can understand, and retain it. Aqaid is the best of all forms of knowledge in Islam. In other words, knowledge acquired through aqaid is the most reliable of all forms of knowledge. It is the foundation of faith and a key to unlock doors to other Islamic sciences. This book deals with the meanings of aqaid and the main concepts of Islam, and how these concepts are related to each other. It also discusses the origin of the concept of faith and the status of faith in Islam and how faith can be strengthened through practical actions. This book is an attempt to bring together all the Islamic schools of thought on the concept of faith and to present them to the readers in a unified manner.
This book has been written to provide guidance to the readers on all the topics discussed in the book. The main problems faced by the Islamic ummah in the 21st century have been discussed in detail. Islam is the only way to salvation and the other problems faced by the ummah are not problems of faith but problems of ignorance. No matter what problems we face, and no matter who is the worse, if we retain our faith in Allah and our belief in the Day of Judgment, the Prophet and all the Prophets to be following after him, then all of these problems will end. No matter what problems we face in the world, if we preserve our faith in the Hereafter, the Prophet's ways, the Qur'an, and the Sunnah, then we will overcome all of these problems. To have such a faith will bring us all the blessings of faith.
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