TwoPlay Mahjong Key Seriall
Seta, unlike Jaleco, was never well-known in the first place. The company's NES releases are all obscure, and their Tom Sawyer game is mentioned only when someone confuses it with Square's considerably more racist import title. Seta's Super NES catalog peaked with some amusing quips in the otherwise average side-scroller Kendo Rage, and their most ambitious project, a gothic action title called Nosferatu, took years to come out and impressed few when it did. After that, Seta survived on filthy mahjong games, Nintendo 64 chaff, and bit parts in larger titles, the last of which was GameArts and Square Enix's Project Sylpheed. In fact, I recall Seta most fondly because of a canceled game, Bio Force Ape, and how it inspired a forum prank I'll never forget. So I can't say that Seta never gave us anything. 2b1af7f3a8