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Sufee is yet another free dashboard template created and maintained by Colorlib. It packs loads of plugins, libraries, elements and page templates that leave you and your users speechless. Sufee is based on Bootstrap 4, which gives it flexibility and mobile-readiness. With Sufee, you will keep things simple and sophisticated, which seems like the perfect blend of characteristics when discussing admin templates.
CoolAdmin is the free dashboard template that has you covered with all the needed for a quick start of your admin section. You get even more material in the CoolAdmin package than you will ever need. Besides, you also do not need to worry about the technical part since CoolAdmin has thought about all of it already. However, you might be building various online projects, and if that is the case, you win big times with CoolAdmin.
CoolAdmin follows all the latest and up-to-the-minute tech and web regulations to provide a solid and stable template for whatever application you bring into being. Moreover, it comes with four distinct demos, multiple widgets, various custom pages and a wide collection of ready-to-use snippets. Once you download and unbox the CoolAdmin package, you will see the first results shortly afterward.
We also care for safe customization tools, so our premium WP templates are packed with only the best page builders, such Elementor and Getwid Gutenberg blocks. They are going to enrich WordPress for years to come!
The template supports the latest verion of Joomla 4 and Joomla 3. You can build your projects with any Joomla version you prefer. We provide quickstart package for both Joomla 4 and Joomla 3 to quickly replicate our template demo on your server. 2b1af7f3a8