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In 2008, the channel launched a dedicated football commentary team, the Fox Footy Football Department, which was assembled by Fox Sports' Fox Footy head of production, Adam Richards. It consists of three on-air personalities, with live commentary from their booth, and also has a pre-recorded studio panel. The Department currently commentates on the VFL/AFL, and has commentated at the AFL Grand Final every year since 2005.
A number of events and grand finals have been held exclusively on the channel. These include the Channel 7 Media and Marketing Grand Final Breakfast, the 2012 AFL Premiership Season Game and Grand Final, and the Channel 9 Media and Marketing Grand Final Breakfast.
The channel launched on 1 June 2012, following the success of the AFL's contract negotiations with Austar and Foxtel. The channel ceased broadcasting on 23 August 2014, with its programming being moved to a new channel Fox Footy 2. The channel was replaced with Fox Footy 2 on 1 March 2017.
In 2012, the channel was announced as the number one football channel in Australia for the second year in a row, with two million viewers. The channel also ranked number one for the third year in a row in 2013 with 1.5 million viewers. The channel has remained at the top of the weekly ratings for the last four years.[6]
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