Race, Class, And Gender In The United States: An Integrated Study
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The Department of Women's and Gender Studies brings together scholarsand scholarship on women and gender, areas that have come to occupy anincreasingly important place in a number of disciplines in the lastquarter century. Areas of inquiry include the participation of women insocial and cultural production; the construction of gender and its roleas a constitutive element of social, political, economic, and legalstructures; feminist theory; and the development of ideas aboutfemininities, masculinities, and sexualities. Gender is examined as itintersects with class, sexuality, ethnicity, disability, age,nationality, and the like. Women's and Gender Studies provides anintegrated, interdisciplinary approach to understanding the social andcultural constructions of gender that shape the experiences of everyone.The curriculum offers a solid foundation in women's and gender studies,facilitating graduate study and careers involving gender justiceconcerns, and preparing students for leadership roles in diverseworkplaces and communities. Women's and Gender Studies offers a majorand minor.
Examines gender in the lives of women and men, using aninterdisciplinary approach to analyze the effects of societalinstitutions and processes. Particular attention is paid to thedevelopment and dynamics of gender inequality; intersections of gender,race, class, and sexuality; and the social construction of gender. (4units)
Covers a variety of topics focusing on the areas of history, media,politics, literature and the arts, emphasizing the diverse nature oflesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ) communities andissues. Course materials address sexual identity as it intersects withgender, class, race, ethnicity, disability, and nation. (4 units)
Interdisciplinary study of U.S.-based women in the context of theinstitutionalization of violence and its impact across civic life. Areasof violence research such as campus, domestic, sexual assault,harassment, and stalking will be addressed in the context of theintersections of race, class, gender, and sexuality. (4 units)
Examines how social categories such as gender, race, class, andsexuality are shaped by technology and in turn, shape the development ofnew technologies. Topics may include, among others: feminist technologystudies, the digital divide, social media, reproductive technologies,and gaming. (5 units)
This introductory course presents the basic processes of human interaction in everyday life while introducing students to the theories and methods governing social inquiry. The sociological perspective is used to study the impact of the forces of culture, socialization, social stratification, race, gender, and population on human thoughts and actions.Offered in University College only.
This course uses the sociological perspective to consider how deviance, crime, and punishment are defined by their social location in time and place rather than being "absolute" categories. It emphasizes that society's ideas about these topics change across generations and across cultures. We will consider how socially constructed demographic categories such as race, social class, and gender are experienced differently in relation to society and the criminal justice system within that society. The focus will be on the balance between structured inequality and personal experiences in a complicated post-industrial society such as ours.Prerequisite(s): CRMJS 1011/CRMJS 1010 Introduction to Criminal Justice and SOC 1111/SOC 1110 Introduction to Sociology.
This course is an introduction to using the sociological perspective as a method of social inquiry. Students explore such basic concepts as culture, socialization, social structure, social interaction, and social change. They study and apply the theories and research methodologies used to investigate human social interaction. These concepts are applied to social topics such as race, class, gender, family, crime, population, environment, and others.(Normally offered each semester.)
It should be noted that aside from the recent protests, a great many schools have engaged in the hard work of dismantling the institutionalized racism that has been embedded in their own institutions for decades. These campuses remained engaged with these issues and pushed forward to tackle the next horizon of the reasonable second-generation expectations of their students. These expectations are voiced clearly by the student protesters in recent months and revealed that they enrolled with these basic aspirational hopes or reasonable second-generation expectations: (1) that they will be taught by a culturally competent faculty; (2) that their deans and presidents will lead from the top on equity and inclusion initiatives; (3) that they will be guided by an inclusive senior staff; (4) that their faculty will mirror the level of inclusivity of the student body; (5) that their student service offices will deliver programming and supports that address their needs and reflect a sophisticated understanding of race, class, gender, first-generation and LGBTQI concerns; and (6) that their schools and departments have policies and procedures in place to swiftly investigate and address hostility or harassment based on race, class, gender, LGBTQI, or identity status. 2b1af7f3a8