Fish Bot Metin2 Pl Download !FREE!
Feeling decidedly unchallenged I decided to make my own wow fishbot. I just put this together this morning. There are all kinds of features and error controls that could be emplemented. Please offer criticism but I'm just putting this up as a "Proof of Concept" to contribute to the community what little I can. I'm sure their are better easier ways but i couldn't find any that work "out of the box", this one should. I only tested it twice... about 10 casts each time, caught 100%.
looks cool, i figured most of it out like putting my fishing to alt+1 commmand and such, but how does this actually work? I run the script, then i fish. then i select the bobber, and then i right click when it splashes.
Um i tried all the code suggested on this page but wasn't entirely impressed with any of them. Not that I can do any better. I'm just getting into programming so I couldn't do much with any of what is here at all. However probably 6 months ago I had a fishbot run off autoit that I believe was called "DT Fishbot".
I have not been able to find any script or executable. This was a wonderful fishbot in that it worked 99% of the time with no guidance whatsoever. Any help on someone who knows where i can find it? or something like it. I cant wait till I finish school and can write my own stuff more easily. 2b1af7f3a8