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Learning about the stories in the Bible and the values of the Lord can be fun for kids with these Christian movies. (And, hey, fun for adults too! The Prince of Egypt holds up 20 years later.) From animated classics to live action films based on true stories, these heart-warming family friendly movies about faith will introduce the children in your life to what makes God such a special part of all our lives.
Many of these movies are available to stream for free on Hulu and Netflix if you have a subscription, and many others are available on Amazon. Several of these religious-themed movies center around Christmas, because the holiday is a great time to reflect on one's faith. Popping in a Christmas movie gets the whole family involved in the true meaning of the holiday. But there are other faith-based films on this list that are less holiday focused, so you can watch them all year round until it's time to celebrate Christmas again.
Foster, sometimes also called Angel in the House, is a movie about a couple who has always wanted a child. Enter Eli, a wise young boy whom the couple decides to foster and who restores their faith in life.
The Veggie Tales series teaches kids about the Bible by using fun vegetable characters who sing songs. In 2002, Veggie Tales got its first full-length movie based on the story of Jonah from the Bible.
You have no doubt heard the phrase, absolute power corrupts absolutely. It is a statement which indicates our sinful nature. History is full of leaders who started off with the best intentions but pride, ego, or other flaws got in the way. If we place our faith in a leader, it is but a matter of time before the corruptible nature of the individual is revealed.
In our postmodern word, we often hear the statement that what works for you may not work for me. So Peter had a faith in Christ that was timeless. His faith was valuable, revealing, and full of love. But how does that mean, what worked for Peter will work for me? Almost as if Peter anticipated your question, he writes about the faith of others.
All of us have faith, but will your anchor of faith hold in the storms of life? Is your anchor of faith a true anchor? Is your faith built upon the truth of scripture. Is your faith tested? Do you know how valuable, revealing and full of love, a faith in Christ is? Is your faith timeless, or will the newest fad or the latest philosophy cause you to tie to a new anchor? Only a faith in Christ is true, tested, and timeless.
By the time the movie got to the potatoes, it seemed to me that Angus was trying to test God. Further, it seemed to me that his faith rested in miracles rather than solely on the God who could perform them. But that was how the movie presented it. I wanted to learn more about the man and what he preached, directly from the man and not from what could be a twisted version of his beliefs.
Ultimately, one is left wondering at the end of the movie, what do I put my faith in? Did I hear a message of sin and redemption and a resurrected Jesus? A little but not so much. I heard a lot about miracles and what He can do for me by His miraculous power over disease and over weather.
But taking a leap of faith and throwing yourself into the unknown can be very rewarding. It means that you fully surrender to all expectations that you and others have ever had of yourself. It means that you allow yourself to start anew and feel completely free. You might realize down the track that you are who you are and that you have to go back to the root of your soul, to your innate talents and passion without being held back by dogma, societal norms, your own fears, and external opinions.
The songs included on this list all praise God for his never-ending faithfulness, yet also encourage us to spread the word to others that the God we serve is real and unchanging. The Bible says that all should be, "active in sharing your faith so that you have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ" (Philemon 1:6 NIV). It is my prayer that by listening to any of these songs your understanding of Christ's goodness will only grow, and this will be the soundtrack you use as you "walk by faith" into this New Year. 2b1af7f3a8