Facebook Comments For Wordpress Options Invalid Application Id ((FREE))
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I have a trial account for zendesk and I am trying to use OAuth for my api requests and it is returning invalid token. If I use basic auth it works but I can't use basic auth for my client side application to make calls because of the CORS policy. I would love to know if it is possible to use OAuth with my trial account?
Each security solution working on the application level presents a set of rules that each request sent to your WordPress websites is checked against in order to minimize the number of malicious requests coming to the web server. Once a certain rule is triggered, the request is blocked and an error message is returned, causing WordPress invalid JSON response errors shown.
By default save checks validate before setting any attributes but you may also tell set to validate the new attributes by passing {validate: true} as an option. The validate method receives the model attributes as well as any options passed to set or save, if validate returns an error, save does not continue, the model attributes are not modified on the server, an "invalid" event is triggered, and the validationError property is set on the model with the value returned by this method.
The validate method receives the model attributes as well as any options passed to isValid, if validate returns an error an "invalid" event is triggered, and the error is set on the model in the validationError property.
To indicate that you'd like to use HTML5 pushState support in your application, use Backbone.history.start({pushState: true}). If you'd like to use pushState, but have browsers that don't support it natively use full page refreshes instead, you can add {hashChange: false} to the options.
Feature-rich commenting solutions such as IntenseDebate and Disqus have benefits, of course, because they allow users to comment using Facebook and a number of other services; but before visitors can comment, they have to grant access to the application, an additional step that discourages some from commenting. By comparison, integrating Facebook comments directly enables visitors to comment with no fuss. Also, this commenting system allows users to comment by signing into Facebook, Yahoo, AOL or Hotmail.
To use Facebook comments on your website, create a new comment application for your website on the Facebook Application page. This step is required, whether you add Facebook comments manually using a third-party plugin or with the official Facebook plugin.
Your should now see the Facebook comments box displayed on your website. To get an update whenever someone leaves a comment using Facebook, add yourself as a moderator to your application on the Comment Moderation tool page.
In some situations, the application may be running into a problem with your previous session, which is just a string that the server sends to the client to identify that client during future requests. As with other data, your device should have stored the session token (or session string) locally on your device within the cookies. The client then transfers this data to the server during every request. If the server fails to recognize the session token or the server sees this particular token as invalid, this may result in a 403 Error. 2b1af7f3a8